Siarhei Tratsiak

Vue Frontend Developer


If you need

then my services can be useful to you.



  • HTML (7 years of experience)
    • accessibility
    • semantic
    • Canvas
    • Web Storage
    • IndexedDB
  • CSS (7 years of experience)
    • Flex
    • Grid
    • SASS
    • Bootstrap
    • BEM
  • JavaScript (7 years of experience)
    • DOM manipulation
    • Axios
    • modules
    • ES6+
    • TypeScript
  • Vue 2-3 (3 years of experience)
    • Composition API
    • Vue Router
    • Vue Test Utils
    • state management
      • Vuex
      • Pinia
    • frameworks
      • Nuxt
      • Vuetify
      • BootstrapVue
  • Tools
    • APIs
      • REST API
      • GraphQL
    • version control
      • Git
      • Github
    • bundlers
      • Vite
      • Webpack
    • testing
      • Jest
      • Vitest


  • English - Upper-Intermediate (B2)
  • Polish - Intermediate (B1)
  • Russian - Native (C2)

About Me

In my free time, I read books on programming, learn Python and C#, get interested in neural networks, and work on pet projects.

Work Experience

  • Frontend Web Developer

    Godel Technologies Europe sp. z o.o. | June 2022 - May 2023

    project: Air Check

    description: interface for carbon dioxide sensor


    • provided a pleasant user experience by designing the interface with Vuetify;
    • enriched the user experience by implementing dynamic graphics based on Chart.js;
    • provided communication with the backend by implementing the functionality using Axios;
    • gave the application dynamics and interactivity by writing it using Vue, Vue Router, Pinia;
    • gave the application scalability using TypeScript and SOLID architecture;
    • increased the reliability of the code by covering it with unit tests using Vitest;
    • ensured smooth development with tools such as Git, GitHub, Vite, npm.
  • Frontend Web Developer

    Twelvedevs | July 2021 - May 2022

    project: OpenDining

    description: fully customizable online ordering system for restaurants


    • improved the user experience by extending the interface with BootstrapVue and SCSS;
    • provided communication with the backend by integrating REST API endpoints using Axios;
    • implemented a system of instant notifications through WebSockets;
    • increased the reliability of the code by covering it with unit tests using Jest;
    • enriched the codebase by writing code using JavaScript, Vue, Vuex, Vue-Router, Nuxt;
    • ensured smooth development with tools such as Git, GitHub, Webpack, npm.
  • Web Developer

    Upwork | Jan 2016 - June 2021

    project: Simplex Food

    description: an application for calculating the balance of nutrients in a diet


    • gave the application high interactivity by designing and developing it with Vue, Vuex and Vue Router;
    • provided a responsive user experience by implementing the interface using Vuetify;
    • guaranteed application independence by implementing IndexedDB data storage via Dexie;
    • implemented the main functionality by writing a simplex method in JavaScript code.
    • ensured smooth development with tools such as Git, GitHub, Webpack, npm.
  • Customer

    Grodno Regional Customs | July 2011 - Dec 2015


  • Bachelor of Mathematics

    Grodno State University

    Sep 2006 - June 2011